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Town Features

Green Light Ray

The Inverleigh Township boasts a number of features that make it an attractive and interesting place to stop on your journey.  


- Inverleigh Flora and Fauna Reserve

- Federation Bridge

- Lawsons Park

- Yerrum Yaluk Bun Playspace

- The Lawson Tree

- Historic Jail Cell

- Various River Walks

- Barwon River and Leigh River Junction

Inverleigh Nature Conservation Reserve

Where is the Inverleigh Nature Conservation Reserve?

The Inverleigh Nature Conservation Reserve is between Inverleigh and Teesdale, 32 km west of Geelong. It is 1050 hectares, bisected by the Teesdale-Inverleigh Road. 

What is a Nature Conservation Reserve (NCR)?

Nature Conservation Reserves are established to protect special environments, plants and animals. The Inverleigh NCR is under the control of the You Yangs Office of Parks Victoria (phone 131963).

What animals live in the Inverleigh NCR?

There is a large population of Eastern Grey Kangaroos, a smaller population of Black-Tailed Swamp Wallabies. Koalas and Echidnas are seen occasionally.


At night, bats, gliders and possums emerge from tree hollows. Rabbits, feral cats and foxes also inhabit the reserve.


119 bird species have been recorded in the reserve.


Photo credits: Andrea Bolton

What sort of trees grow in the Inverleigh NCR?

The dominant species are Manna Gum (Eucalyptus viminalis) and River Red Gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis).


The predominant large shrub is Hedge Wattle (Acacia paradoxa). Areas of Banksia and Sheoak are also present.


The ground layer is dominated by Wallaby Grass.

Does the Inverleigh NCR have any rare plants or animals?


There are approximately 300 plant species in Inverleigh NCR, including around 50 species of orchid.

The following rare plants are found in the Reserve:


Vulnerable Species: Clover Glycine (Glycine latrobeana), Snowy Mint Bush (Prostanthera nivea var nivea), Fringed Sun Orchid (Thelymitra luteocilium) and

Crimson Sun Orchid (Thelymitra x macmillanii)


Endangered Species: Hoary Sunray (Leucochrysum albicans ssp tricolour) and two orchids: Bronze Bird Orchid (Chiloglottis  x pescottiana) and Purple Diuris (Diuris punctata)


Critically Endangered: Pussy Tails (Ptilotus erubescens), Dwarf Spider Orchid (Caladenia Pumila), Inverleigh Spider Orchid (Caladenia ‘Inverleigh’),

Clumping Golden Moth orchid (Diuris gregaria) and Yam daisy (Microseris sp.)

Is the Inverleigh NCR special in any other ways?


Of the Grassy Woodlands that once existed in Victoria, only 1% remains and two thirds of that is the Inverleigh NCR. This is classed as an Endangered Ecological Vegetation Class.


The Reserve also contains a small patch (93 hectares) of an Ecological Vegetation Class known as Damp Sands Herb-rich Woodland, which represents 95% of this ecosystem that is protected in parks and reserves and is classed as Vulnerable.

What problems are there in the Inverleigh NCR?

Serious damage has been caused by off-road vehicles. It is illegal to ride or drive unregistered vehicles in the reserve or to ride or drive without a current licence. Vehicles may only be used on the established tracks.


Hedge Wattle (Acacia paradoxa) is slowly but steadily taking over large areas of the Inverleigh NCR. It is very prickly and forms impenetrable thickets.

How can I help with the preservation of the Inverleigh NCR?
  • Encourage people you know who use off-road vehicles in the reserve to stop doing so.

  • Get your firewood from other forests where it is not illegal.

  • Join Friends of Inverleigh Nature Conservation Reserve.

  • Contact Keith Windle in Inverleigh (Ph 0429 651 298) or Dianne Hughes in Teesdale (Ph 0427 531 906).

Local Flora & Fauna

Photo credits: Andrea Bolton

Local Agriculture

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